Although Rowan can basically sit up unassisted (though mom or dad need to be there in case he wobbles), he still does not roll over. He just doesn't seem interested in it yet. It might also be his size - that's a lot of baby to roll over!
Rowan is still a good night sleeper, but he's been a bit fussy this past week. He has woken up a few times during the night and often has trouble getting to sleep (and staying asleep.) Last night I put him to bed and he woke up a few minutes later, whimpering and crying out. We laughed because it really sounded like he was wailing "Moooooom!" I took him another warm bottle and fed it to him while he stayed in his (elevated) rocker bed. He squirmed at first, but then got a hold of my left hand and promptly calmed down. He dozed back off, still holding my hand. His soft little hands are so sweet, I just wanted to sit there all night holding hands.
Of course, he woke back up again a few minutes after I pulled away. Eventually, he went down for the night and this morning awoke with his (now) usual smiles and coos.
What have we here? |
An early Beatles song is ringing in my head: "I Wanna Hold Your Hand". Yeah, back then you didn't get the rough stuff in lyrics. Sounds like you two have a very loving little boy! Hugs all around!