Saturday, April 28, 2012

9 months old + a crazy April

We have had a really busy month.  Rowan keeps getting stronger and more mobile - pulling himself around, some crawling and scooting, and lots of cruising.  A bunch of my family came to visit including my sister and her kids and Rowan took his first trip to Strong Museum of Play.   Unfortunately, my hands were a little too full to snap any pictures, but he had a pretty good time.  At least, he didn't throw any major fits. :)
Big laughs and little teeth!
Happy, giggly boy loves Daddy!
Rowan has always been pretty musically inclined, but seems especially so nowadays.  We listen to music a lot, he has a few favorite music videos, and we just got him a Baby Einstein music table that he loves to play with.  And he loves to dance:
We have also been going to the eye doctor a lot - Rowan's eye surgery (to attempt to correct his strabismus) is scheduled for next Wednesday (May 2.)  I'm nervous and anxious for it to be over ... but we have been told there is a good chance he will need more than one surgery and even then there are no guarantees.  I don't care if he needs glasses someday, I just want his eyes to be healthy and function as well as possible.
We still think his eyes are beautiful!
We just re-arranged the living room so Rowan has more space to play and maneuver ... I'm guessing the ongoing theme for the next few months will be mobility!  He can pull himself up on lots of things (his crib, his bug, the recliner, etc.) and get himself onto all fours, but doesn't actually crawl.  (UPDATE 4/29: He definitely crawled on all fours tonight. He was kind of whiny while doing so, although we weren't pushing him to do it.  But he definitely moved his hands and knees in unison to cross the living room floor.) He has been pulling himself up and often plays while sitting on his knees.  Sometimes he scoots or pulls himself around on his butt.  He is definitely a happier kid now that he can do more things for himself.  But he still needs to know Mom and/or Dad are there - when he is playing at his music table he will seem so absorbed, but he'll still turn every couple of minutes and grab my leg like, oh good, just checking. :)

Rowan has almost always been a fan of water, but for a long time he wasn't ready to give up his bathing recliner despite not really needing it (he has been able to sit up just fine for a long time now.)  I ended up buying him a little inflatable tub to get him used to sitting in the water while feeling a little more secure - that did the trick, he only used it for a couple of weeks and this weekend he graduated to sitting in the tub.  Video of splashing coming soon!

This weekend we are visiting Fredonia and today we celebrated Austin's 7th birthday.  Rowan is quickly becoming more interested in playing and engaging with the other kids.  He definitely favors Ella - of course, she makes sure to spend as much time with Baby Rowan as possible and she is always excited to "help" and play with him as much as possible. :) 
No idea what color his hair will be ... looks red here!
Rowan's Likes: Belly raspberries, riding dad's shoulders, examining objects by turning them over and over, sleeping on his side (new and so cute!), pulling himself to a standing position, cruising, petting the cat, being outside, eating Puffs (he has mastered the pincer grip), jumping, taking a bath, Mom or Dad talking in a funny high voice
Rowan's Dislikes: Getting his diaper changed (usually), being hot, crowded/loud/stuffy places, being on his tummy (for more than a few minutes), being bored

1 comment:

  1. That boy is getting cuter and cuter; and funner and funner; and FUNNIER AND FUNNIER!
